Stephen Brodie - Actor / Writer - Film, Television, Commercial, Industrial, Voice - Dallas, TX

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
- Aristotle


A sky of blue
Engulfed in grey
Nature's dark possession
The winds they howl
They've won the day
With the light's recession

The trees alive
They shake and dance
As wicked marionettes
They turn to shadows
Evil plants
The darker that it gets

All at once
And unprovoked
The heavens flip the switch
Let loose a charge
A blinding bolt
Then returning black as pitch

A quietness
Comes over all
Calm and almost peaceful
A false reprieve
The hammer falls
Demanding all be fearful

The pitter patter
Of weeping clouds
Heard throughout the land
Soft as a whisper
Then growing loud
A pain they cannot stand

Once again
Stillness embraces
As tears form pools on the ground
The sky grows thick
With painful faces
But does not make a sound

A patch of red
Bleeding through
Cutting the wall of black
Brings with it rays
The sky of blue
And warmth upon its back

So far away
The darkness flees
On winds of deep resentment
Searching for
A place where he
Can express his discontentment

- Stephen W. Brodie

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