Stephen Brodie - Actor / Writer - Film, Television, Commercial, Industrial, Voice - Dallas, TX

"Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
- Henry Ford

I Miss You, Mother

into the mindless expanse of my
psyche rises the beast with which
my own mother's tortured soul
would seek out and destroy the
me I had yet to

I hear the faint whisper of a
past that seems oh so familiar,
but I can't quite put my finger
on, or my heart into; and I wish I
could only reach out and take hold
of the moment, the moment

so I lie in my bed, arms outstretched,
feeling the air swirl about in my
lungs, the sunlight warms my toes
even through the shutters, and I
hear the joyful singing of brothers
and sisters I've never known, only
dreamed of while learning about
forgiveness and trying to

from here, this broad spectral
vision of anonymity, I recount
the moments she spent raising

and dream of the others I've

- Stephen W. Brodie

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