Stephen Brodie - Actor / Writer - Film, Television, Commercial, Industrial, Voice - Dallas, TX

"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Putting Up Walls

the weekend comes much too soon
for I've not had time to prepare,
and unfortunately the weather
is once again on my side
watch where you step, for the
concrete has not yet hardened
and rusty nails on bare feet
tend to make a mess, but
at least I've had plenty
of sleep and a good meal

now pick up that hammer
and get to work
I'll not ask you again

days seem to expand in the
relentless heat of the Texas sun
and liquid seeps from pores like
beer from the dried bodies of
drunken patrons in neighborhood
bars everywhere, but is that a
legitimate excuse for failure?

what will it take
to get the job done?

"Soon," I say
at the end of a beautiful day
with nothing but time on my hands

- Stephen W. Brodie

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